Sorry I haven't written in AGES! I've been so busy. Why is it that I get given essays in every subject at the same time?! I've been so busy with homework and other stuff that I haven't had time to write.
I'm finally getting round to relaxing and enjoying my
Easter holidays-too bad I go back to school tomorrow!
Actually, during the holidays I've had some pretty good luck - I got my results for my music exams and passed both of them (
Also, I went shopping in Whitby last week and we were just on our way back to the car when we spotted a collectors/second hand shop. We went in (my dad and I) and looked around, we were just leaving when I spotted a Queen II
LP on a shelf. Despite the fact I already have it on CD, I bought it (it was really cheap so I thought I should!) The guy in the shop looked a bit surprised when I came up to the counter to buy it (probably because i looked like a bit of a goth at the time)
I haven't actually listened to it yet, what with being so busy and all, but I'll probably listen to it later today. Although knowing me I won't get round to it for another week!
I'll probably just be about to listen to it when the
CDs I've ordered arrive and I'll end up listening to them instead! I've just ordered Another World and Back To The Light from Amazon. I actually have Back To The Light already but my copy has a scratch and jumps in Last Horizon so I decided to buy a new copy. It's only a fiver online!
Anyway, I should go because I should really be doing my RS homework right now and I've just noticed that the
Hammersmith '75 torrent has just finished downloading. Guess that means the homework will have to be
postponed while I watch that!
See ya!