Sunday, February 21, 2010


OMG! WWRY totally rocks!
I saw it on Wednesday at the Dominion and it was so cool!
I even bought yet another Queen T-shirt. Woo!
I took some stereos of the massive Freddie statue outside and I'll probably post them on here sometime in the near future.
So, yeah, I'm in a pretty good mood right now. Made even better by the fact Queen in Budapest is on the Bio. channel as we speak! (unfortunately my dad's on the phone to the bank so I have been banished upstairs and therefore can't watch it! Boo hoo! I shouldn't be watching it anyway-I have a history essay on the Russian revolution to finish and I've already got Queen in Budapest on DVD)
Anyway, I don't have much else to say right, bye!

Monday, February 15, 2010


I hate those gits-I can't believe they are in the charts! And with that horrible version of Under Pressure of all things! I mean, Vanilla Ice may have maimed the song terribly, but surely Jedward finished it off. What's worse is that ALL my friends are singing it! ARGH!
Should I just give up, go into a corner and die? I might as well. Every time I hear it on the radio, I spiral deeper into depression-so deep that not even looking at my phone (my background is the picture of me, Brian May and Elena Vidal) can cheer me up! That's really bad. I may need counselling, again.
Apart from that mini rant, I don't have much to say right now (as you can probably tell)
I can't believe it, On Wednesday I'm going to LONDON-To see We Will Rock You!
Woo! How cool is that?
I can't wait.
I also feel really chuffed because I was out shopping the other day and I found this Queen T-Shirt in a shop-it had the I Want To Break Free photo on it and I really wanted to buy it, but it was WAY to expensive! But I'm chuffed that I found it anyway.
You may think I'm crazy right now, but I'm not. I'm just going slightly mad!